Argued and discussed and sidetracked over conference calls which sent Sarah halfway to dreamland (her alarm clock for bedtime started ringing at approximately 11.30pm) and trying to get Baby to focus on topic at hand while she itches was akin to controlling a normal tech class. Back-breaking work and Mind-boggling strength of mind required. AFter going through the plan for like what seemed like the hundredth time, we decided to surprise her with some lame shit and meet up the next day to buy her present and other stuff.
Met up with Sarah, Jace, Daddy and Baby on Sunday evening to shop. Bought Miss Ong's Bdae present at Vivo. Got an Oh-so-PERFECT! bikini thanks to Jace. Haha. She was lucky I didn't choose the bikini. Else she'd be getting a red bikini with thong and beads. Hehhehhhh...
Monday was THE celebration. It was A BLAST. Supposed to clock hours but couldn't wake up because I was an insomaniac. Haha. Got up at 9.30 and frantically woke daddy, who was already up actually. Forgot to do the necessary regimes to ensure presentable bikini body so was late by 10mins. Went to baby's place to cook pasta, only to find her already cooking. Cold storage shopping; baby's stunts with the trolley (Aiyo, IKEA, MUSTAFA, COLD STORAGE - she NEVER grows up.), cupcakes and bad navigation, resulting in trolley driver (daddy) complaining.
Rushed down to Sarah's place with Family to meet up with my two lieutenants in the ONGBDAE conspiracy to carried out plan proposed on Friday night.
Best memories listed -
1. Shar and balloon-phobia

2. Cow and Chicken with udders
3. Powerpuff Girls! Sarah (Buttercup), Jace (Blossom), Me (Bubbles!)

4. Sarah's spartan-no-utensils-no-crockery-no-towels-but-beautifully-designed house.
5. POOOOOOOOOOL!!! And a cellulite-ridden blue bikini me.
6. Surprising Miss Ong.
7. 15 cupcakes
8. Miss Ong's karate chop on Baby's nose (it's still blueblack, mind you)
9. Deflating floats and puncturing ballooons
10. Going to pick up singtel corporate pass and kena-ing ERP with Family,
11. Meeting Jace's BS (Who is pretty!)
12. The two-assed man at Pepper lunch
13. Miss Ong's babydoll SHORT! dress
14. Azaru Sabo and the difficult customer (ME!)
Hahaha.... Really wonderful memories created!
Are Sarah and Jace twins or are teenagers just blending into one another now?
GRAAAAAACCEEEEE! Another person is saying we're twins. AH!
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